The normal way that a new product is developed is to make a rendering, then a 3D-model depicting main features.
Then we are able to quantify innovations in patent drawings. After this step, one can apply to a patent and build a smaller
scale operating model having the features described in the patent literature.
The animation or filming of the model in operation is then the next sales and functional tool.
First rendering of Sky Train
1997 First Simulation of swinging on curves.
From 2000 Largo EnviroFair Built by the Greater Florida Lego ® Club showing our People Mover in operation using a
programmable controller for automation.
2006 Tampa Museum of
Science and Industry.
2008 Animations with Solar Cover. You will need the appropriate program:
- For Microsoft Player click here.
- For Apple's QuickTime Player click here
to see this MPEG animation.